Our school district has been hijacked by a Communist, and it seems that everyone you should be able to count on, is now so afraid of losing their jobs, they have tucked their tails between their legs and are cowering in the corner. How does this happen? Oh that's right, it's government! I guess the tail tuckers have good reason, because the current Principal at my kids school is no longer current. Yep, he decided to buck the dictator, the new superintendent at APS, and they literally found a reason to scour all the computers in the administration office just so they could drum up some charge to get rid of him. I just came home from an Instructional Council meeting with the muckie mucks from the district, of course, not the dictator himself, but his flunkies, and basically the 30 or so teachers that attended the meeting, in the hopes of conveying their concerns, were dismissed by one of these flunkies, without even so much as a "Hmmm, let us think about that." The thing that really got my dander up was, in all their supposed heavy thinking and deliberating, they never contacted a parent liaison from my school, and I would most likely have known, I'm the Parent Association President, to attend any of their committe meetings and ask for an opinion. How does someone decide to make radical changes in something so public as a public school system and not get everyone involved and on board. It seems to me that the only result from a dictatorship is an unhappy populous.
I am getting ever increasingly tired of being told, in round about ways, because of course they would never say it directly to my face, that I, obviously, do not know what is best for my children. Me, the one who suffered through 9 months of torturous pregnancy, 8 times I might add, to bring these amazing little humans into this world, I do not have a clue what is best for them. Nooo, my government does, or, my too big and needs to be split up, school district does. I think they have gotten too caught up in their own assumption of their importance and have determined that I am obsolete. I couldn't possibly know what my children need, because, after all, that is what they went to school for, and that is why they get paid their 6 figure incomes. Well let me tell you something Mr. Superintendent, I pay you that 6 figure income, my tax dollars are the reason you get paid at all. The real truth is that you work for me. If it weren't for the fact that I have those 8 children, you wouldn't even be employed. And by gum, I am sick and tired of it!! I chose to have my children and I am an involved parent, there are more of us than you think, and you're going to sit up and take notice.
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