What, you may be asking, does this have to do with, "Who does that?" Well, I will tell you. As you may recall in our first installment, I stated that my daughters had just arrived home from a trip to visit their cousins. While on that visit, they met Sally. You also may be wondering how they would cross paths with Sally. It just so happens that Sally is the sister of Shawn's relatives wife, and our daughter's were staying with that relative and his family. So, on the evening of our daughters arrival, they meet Sally, who was visiting from California. Sally finds out that Ness and Cait are our girls and says something to the effect of, "Do you know me? I'm Sally. I could have been your mother. I'm the one who got your parents together. What version have you heard? Ya, I stood your dad up. I had dated him before. Then your mom asked me if she could dance with him, she was just being respectful to me, since he and I had already dated. Well, your mom and I had dated some guys that were friends, and she cheated on her boyfriend with my boyfriend, so I ended up cheating with her boyfriend. Anyway, she was being respectful because of that. Your mom and I didn't really run in the same circles."
Okay, so here's what's bugging me. I really could care less that Sally got pretty much all the facts wrong..., okay, I care a little. First, Shawn and I never even spoke till after the dance by his car, so I didn't ask her if I could dance with him because we never danced. Second, to be perfectly honest, I never would have felt the need to ask Sally for anything, especially a guy. Third, I didn't cheat on my "boyfriend" with hers, in my vague recollection, it was the other way around, but don't quote me on that. Most, not all, but most guys dated Sally for one reason and one reason only, and that would be the same reason why they typically didn't date me. Fourth, she cared so little for this church activity that she barely showed up for less than 10% of it, however, she remembers the details so vividly and can take credit for our getting together. But, of course, like I said, the misrepresentation of facts does not bug me at all and she can go around telling her version of our story to any Tom, Dick, or Harry that she wants to. What really BUGS me is... Who tells their version of a story that is quite disparaging about someone to that someones kids 22 years later. Get serious!! I mean really, when you've turned 40, shouldn't stuff from 20 years ago just be a distant memory, something that you recall and laugh about with your friends. And don't you think it really says something about a person when, 20 years later,
they feel the need to just set the record straight, not with the person directly, but with their KIDS. Even if Sally's version were true, isn't there also something just small and sad in a person who portrays others in a shoddy light, not only to other adults, but really sad when they feel the need to do it in front of children. Thank heaven we have a good relationship with our daughters and they knew that what she was telling them couldn't be true. In the end, we had a good laugh as they shared with us her story. But really people, when you're 40, living in the present is a much better place.
I think that has to be the most awesome story I have ever heard!! I mean.... come on lady grow up!!!! Geez what the heck is wrong with some people!! And these kinda people get to vote! What is the world coming to??!!!!! Man I miss you guys you always have the best stories!
ReplyDeleteLove ya! Courtney